Centre for Policy Research in Agriculture and Rural Development
The Centre for Policy Research in Agriculture and Rural Development (CPARD) is committed to carrying out cutting-edge, evidence-based, policy-relevant research focusing on Cambodia’s agriculture sector. We bring a wealth of expertise and experience to all our research activities which are locally and internationally acknowledged for their rigor. Our experienced researchers with expertise in agricultural economics, applied economics, and economic development develop and apply innovative quantitative and qualitative tools to study numerous critical issues in the field of agriculture, including nutrition and food safety, agricultural value chains, agricultural sustainability, agricultural development, and rural livelihood improvement. Our dissemination efforts target policy makers, development partners, and research community through publications, seminars, workshops, conferences, and dialogues. Having partnerships with government agencies, local and international think-tanks, and other research institutes, we hope to make a meaningful contribution to a sustainable future of Cambodia’s agriculture and improve the well-being of people residing in rural communities.

The Early Harvest Programme: Implications for Cambodian Agriculture
This study examines the development, features and implications of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (FTA) on regional economies. It focuses on the economic benefits of the ASEAN-China FTA from the perspective of Cambodia, the potential impacts of the Early Harvest Program (EHP) on its agricultural sector, and recommended policy responses for Cambodia to derive the greatest benefits from EHP. Analysi...