Learning to Improve Book Resource Operational Systems (LIBROS)

Photo Credit: Chea Phal
Project Description

This is a part of the Supporting Holistic and Actionable Research in Education (SHARE), a five-year cooperative agreement with the University of Notre Dame (UND) supported by the USAID’s new Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation/Center for Education (DDI/EDU), to advance global education learning priorities to improve learning outcomes. Specifically, this scope of work speaks to the ecosystem diagnostic process, research implementation, and capacity exchange related to the Learning to Improve Book Resource Operational Systems (LIBROS) multi-country study, to which Cambodia will contribute. 

As a cooperative partner, Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI), will diagnose the current book supply chain systems in Cambodia, determine opportunities for ongoing collaboration or strengthening needs of the system, implement the designed research, and at the same time strengthen its organizational capacity as a research institution within the local ecosystem.

LIBROS-Cambodia Study Briefs

The LIBROS-Cambodia Study Brief provides a concise summary of the key findings and insights from the comprehensive LIBROS study on the primary education book supply chain in Cambodia in both English and Khmer(ខ្មែរ).

Additional Dissemination Products

LIBROS-Cambodia Vodcast Series: CDRI developed a 5-episode vodcast series on Cambodia's book supply chain. The videos cover topics from engaging youth to lessons learned along the book supply chain to adaptations for other contexts.

Project Objective

The primary research objective under this project is to diagnose what worked well in Cambodia that have improved primary level text and children’s book supply chain and what are the transferable lessons for other contexts?

Start Date : 11-Feb-2022
End Date : 30-Jul-2023



Policy Briefs

SHARE LIBROS (Learning to Improve Book Resource Operational Systems) Cambodia, Final Brief

Research Reports

LIBROS: Learning to Improve Book Resource Operational Systems in Cambodia-Technical Study Report

Other Publications

Learning to Improve Book Resource Operational Systems (LIBROS)-Cambodia Book Brief

Research Reports

Cambodia-LIBROS: Learning to Improve Book Resource Operation System: Evidence Ecosystem Diagnostics Final Report

News & Events

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