Enhancing Mekong-Lancang Research and Policy Dialogue Program

CDRI implements a two-year-research program called “Enhancing Mekong-Lancang Research and Policy Dialogue Program”. This research will provide empirical evidence and policy suggestions to the Mekong-Lancang country dialogue, with a focus on “Agricultural Trade between China and the Greater Mekong Sub-region Countries: Value Chain Analysis” and “Contract Farming in the Mekong-Lancang Countries: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”.


Edited Books

Contract Farming in Mekong Countries: Best Practices and Lessons Learned

Edited Books

Agricultural Trade between China and the Greater Mekong Subregion Countries: A Value Chain Analysis

Policy Briefs 4

Good Practices and Lessons Learned from Contract Farming in Vietnam

Policy Briefs 3

Contract Farming Arrangements among Thailand’s Smallholder Farmers: Linking Small Scale Farmers to Strengthen Production and Mar...

Cambodia Development Review 24 - 4

Water Diplomacy in the Mekong

Cambodia Development Review 24 - 3

Comparative Study on the Implementation of Water Diplomacy: Focusing on the Indus and Mekong Rivers