Working Papers   67

A Basic Consumer Price Index for Cambodia 1993–2009

Published: 01-Mar-2012
English PDF (7)


This paper calculates basic consumer price indices for Cambodia for 1993-2009, using data gathered in provincial markets, using the Phnom Penh Consumer Price Index base periods of 1994, 2000 and 2006 of the Cambodian National Institute of Statistics (NIS). The key output of the paper is a National Basic Consumer Price Index for Cambodia.

The paper began as a review of the basic price indices calculated by CDRI using consumer price data collected since 1993 for 12 provincial urban and rural markets. The original basic price indices had a number of shortcomings; this paper corrects those shortcomings and extends the analysis to calculate a Provincial Basic Consumer Price Index for Cambodia for 1993-2009.


 Data from the NIS Consumer Price Index for Phnom Penh is used to calculate a Basic Consumer Price Index for Phnom Penh. This latter index is combined with the Provincial Basic Price Index, using appropriate population weights, to calculate a National Basic Consumer Price Index, a measure of prices paid by the poor for basic consumer items. The text of the paper concludes with a discussion of price movements over the period 1993-2009.

The appendices tabulate basic consumer price indices for nine provincial urban markets, three provincial rural markets and for Phnom Penh for 1993–2000, 1999–2007 and 2005–2009, together with urban (excluding Phnom Penh), rural, provincial and national basic consumer price indices for the same periods. Also tabulated are linked basic price indices, using a 2006 base, for the same markets and for the urban, rural, provincial and national price indices for 1993–2009.   

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