Working Papers   120

Cambodian Academics: Identities and Roles

Published: 01-Jan-2020
Keyword: Academic identities, higher education, Cambodia
English PDF (109)


This qualitative study aims to explore how faculty members at Cambodian universities conceive their academic identities, engage in different types of scholarly roles and perceive the organisation of the academic career system. It offers the following highlights: i). Cambodian academics develop their identities in relation to three forms: disciplinary, functional and social; ii). With an obvious dominance of the roles of teacher, Cambodian academics, in general, are more of a disciplinary knowledge transmitter or conserver, rather than a knowledge producer. Such tendency limits their capabilities to contribute to global academic and scientific communities; iii). Evidence on the roles and identities of Cambodian academics in applying or integrating scholarly knowledge is not clear from the data. Certain practices (such as serving state ministries in a particular policy domain) can be considered a part of knowledge application; and iv). Two related aspects of the Cambodian academic career system – working environment and career path – complicate academic identities and roles to a certain extent.

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