Cambodia Development Review   28 - 3

Does Location Matter? Track and Trace (TnT) Adoption by Primary School Directors in Cambodia

Published: 30-Oct-2024
English PDF (68)
Khmer PDF (14)


Cambodia’s textbook supply chain experienced challenges with shortages, late deliveries, and inaccurate forecasting, impacting student learning. Track and Trace (TnT), a digital solution that streamlines the supply chain, was introduced in 2022. However, TnT was not implemented equally across schools. Therefore, this paper aims to (1) investigate school directors' challenges with TnT in urban versus rural areas and (2) examine the cause of those challenges. Sixteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with primary school directors and the District Office of Education across five provinces. An issue faced by all school directors is the disparities in acquiring digital tools and literacy. Connection issues are more prevalent among rural schools. Limited competency, inadequate training, and infrequent use of TnT contributed to the challenges. Further training should be provided, and the government should invest in improving digital infrastructure and technical support to assist the schools.

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