Research Reports  

Economic Return to Investment in Education and TVET: Micro and Marco Perspectives

Published: 01-Aug-2019


This study is a part of the UN Joint Programme through which the UNDP seeks to examine the relationship between the economic/monetary returns of investments in education and technical vocational education and training (TVET) at individual, household and national levels. The overall objectives of the study are (1) to estimate the rate of return at the individual, household and national level, of investment in education and trainings, and in empowering programmes for urban and rural youth in Cambodia, and (2) to identify areas for programmes and policy interventions to improve, and to upgrade and expand relevant skills trainings and empowerment programmes/schemes for young men and women in urban and rural Cambodia. The research findings and policy options are expected to benefit young men and women in urban and rural areas, particularly youth who seek meaningful and decent employment in sustainable enterprises. The target audience of the research are the key government policymakers including MoEYS, MoLVT, MoIH, and other relevant ministries and stakeholders including employers, trainers, and youth.

To address the study’s objectives, a mix-method design was used, incorporating both micro and macro approaches. To assess the micro perspective, an econometric analysis was employed to estimate the returns of individual investment in TVET, supported by a qualitative analysis. For the macro perspective, a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model was used to identify the net returns to investment in education and/or training for the economy as a whole.

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