Working Papers   115

Finance in Public Higher Education in Cambodia

Published: 01-May-2019
English PDF (101)

Cambodian higher education finance is archaic and inappropriate for creating a robust and responsive higher education system. The customary practice of line item budgeting is also obsolete. Many countries in the region have long moved towards block grants and some have recently incorporated performance-based funding. In Cambodia, bureaucratic financial management has created many loopholes and obstacles, including slow disbursement of funds, excessive and rigid regulation, and ineffective and efficient use of resources. However, any move towards new funding modalities must be aligned with efforts to improve institutional capacity as well as strong post-audit and monitoring systems. The aim of this study is to explore the current financial management and funding of higher education in Cambodia. It examines financing mechanisms, funding sources, tuition fee issues, scholarships, student loans and subsidies, revenue generation, and expenditure mechanisms. The study also reflects on practices in other Southeast Asian countries to draw policy implications for Cambodia.

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