Policy Briefs  

Five Priorities for a Green and Inclusive Economic Transformation in Cambodia

Published: 31-May-2024


During the First PAGE National Steering Committee in Cambodia, PAGE also presented a summary brief outlining five priorities that serves as a roadmap for policymakers and stakeholders to identify the obstacles and opportunities for fostering a green economic transition in Cambodia:

  • Unlocking private and public finance
  • More evidence on different growth pathways
  • Integrating circular economy principles in Cambodia’s manufacturing sector
  • Prioritize skills development for jobs creation
  • Leaving no one behind

The brief was developed based on the last year’s policy scoping study conducted by the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) and PAGE. The study aimed at identifying the obstacles and opportunities for fostering a green and inclusive economy in Cambodia

Link to the article: https://www.un-page.org/news/page-cambodia-sets-the-priorities-for-2024-2025-fostering-a-green-economic-transition/#share

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