This paper presents the main findings of the Policy Coherence for
Agriculture and Rural Development study. Policy Coherence for Development (PCD)
is about making sure that policies for sector development do not contradict or
undermine one another and that as far as possible, policies are complementary
and create synergy. In practice, it is about reconciling the multiple concerns of
diverse stakeholders. Our study aimed to identify: (1) the major problems
related to coherence among agriculture and rural development (ARD) policies;
(2) the structures and processes used to ensure coherence and their
effectiveness: (3) and how different interests in policymaking are reconciled.
We also attempted to draw lessons, including examples of good practice.
For Cambodia, agriculture and rural development (ARD) is one of
the most important sectors in alleviating rural poverty and promoting equitable
growth. The sector is complex and multifaceted: development partners working in
ARD in Cambodia usually have different priorities, arising from their own
country situation analyses and assistance agendas. This has led to the
fragmentation of programmes and projects, and thus reduced potential for
synergy. ARD subsectoral policies formulated based on the NSDP framework have
helped improve the harmonisation and alignment of development partners’
initiatives with government. However, despite the comprehensiveness of the ARD
policy framework, lack of clear prioritisation blocks potential synergy that
would otherwise enhance the sector’s development. Weak intra-government
coordination, institutional complexity and fragmentation create overlapping or
contradictory sectoral policies which undermine development. A number of
mechanisms have been deployed to improve policy coherence, enhance aid
effectiveness and address coordination issues at various levels. Among these,
the important roles of ARD Technical Working Groups in ensuring coordination
and coherence at sectoral level have been undermined by a breakdown in
communication, goodwill, participation and trust between government and
development partners participants. It is clear that coherence among different
ARD initiatives is determined not only by donors’ efforts and commitment but
also, largely by government action to tailor and direct donors’ activities as
well as improve its internal coordination for better aid utilisation. Although
Cambodia still needs support and faces a number of internal challenges, the country
must continuously demonstrate self-reliance with regard to developing and
managing policy implementation. Such efforts could help Cambodia’s government
achieve a coherent ARD strategy that could provide real synergy in the sector.
Keywords: Policy coherence for development (PCD), alignment,
harmonisation, synergy