Scaling up Home Gardens for Food & Nutrition Security in Cambodia
This report reviews a project funded under the research program called “Scale up of Homestead Food Production for Improved Nutrition in Cambodia”, also known as “Family Farms for the Future (FF4F)”. The project tries to capture FF4F’s immediate and potential contribution to food security.
FF4F aims to help three main groups: large-scale producers of fish fingerlings, home gardeners and village model farmers, and consumers in the project areas.
The study finds that home gardeners and village model farmers have benefited from technical assistance. More farmers are producing more varieties of vegetables over more seasons. More rural producers are raising fish at home in ponds. These changes have improved the availability of and people’s access to wholesome micronutrient-rich foods, and have boosted dietary diversity.
On the question of sustainability, the early findings are promising. Only a small fraction of home gardeners have dropped out. The majority of farmers plan to continue applying the new practices after the project has ended and are keen to produce crops using fewer agrochemicals.