KEM Sothorn   (2011)

Policy Options for Vulnerable Groups: Income Growth and Social Protection

Two decades of civil war caused extensive damage to Cambodia’s physical, social and human capital and left the populace, especially rural people, in a state of chronic poverty and vulnerability. Despite pro-poor targeting and massive efforts by the government and its development partners, a large proportion of the population in need of support does...

Review of Agricultural Policy and Policy Research

The Cambodian government articulates its agriculture policy in the Rectangular Strategy: “To improve agricultural productivity and diversification, thereby enabling the agriculture sector to serve as the dynamic driving force for economic growth and poverty reduction.” To this end, it developed the National Strategy for Agriculture and Water, which...

Scoping Study: Research Capacities of Cambodia’s Universities

This study tries to map the current state of research in selected Cambodian universities, with special focus on research capacities – the factors that facilitate (or hinder) research, especially applied research with a direct relevance to Cambodia’s development challenges. It seeks also to identify opportunities to seed development research through...

CDRI   (2008)

Impact of High Food Prices in Cambodia

The rising fuel and food prices Cambodia experienced in 2008 pushed year on year inflation above 20 percent in March – August. Although high food prices negatively affect everyone, they impact more severely on the poor, especially net food buyers. In Cambodia, the poorest 40 percent of the population spend 70 percent of their income on food. Most o...

The Early Harvest Programme: Implications for Cambodian Agriculture

This study examines the development, features and implications of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (FTA) on regional economies. It focuses on the economic benefits of the ASEAN-China FTA from the perspective of Cambodia, the potential impacts of the Early Harvest Program (EHP) on its agricultural sector, and recommended policy responses for Cambodia...

Trade Research Institutions in Asia-Pacific: Capacity-Building Needs in Developing Countries

The informal meeting of core Asia-Pacific Research and Training Network on Trade (ARTNeT) research institutions in 2004 highlighted the need for building the capacity of research institutions from least developed countries (LDCs) in the region. However, little research or information is available on what the needs of these research institutions are...

Focusing on Cambodia’s High Value Forests: Livelihoods and Management

With logging operations generally focused on timber “mining”, and royalty collection ineffective, forest management in Cambodia has yet to deliver the economic, conservation, and rural development benefits envisioned. Rather, the management approach in production forests has tended to marginalise local forest users and producers. Based on experienc...

EVA Mysliwiec   (2004)

Envisioning a New Paradigm of Development Cooperation in Cambodia

The Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) acknowledges with thanks permission granted by the EGDI Secretariat1, Stockholm Sweden, to extract and reprint with Khmer translation, an account of Cambodia's experience of development dialogue with the outside world during the last twenty-five years. This account, written by Eva Mysliwiec, fo...