Srinivasa Madhur   (2014)

Cambodia’s Skill Gap: An Anatomy of Issues and Policy Options

There is growing consensus that an emerging skill gap could impose human costs and constraints on Cambodia’s economic growth and development. The country is facing a shortage of skilled human resources even for low-to-medium skill intensive industries. There is a widening gap between the skills that industries and businesses need and what the e...

Methods and Tools Applied for Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Basin

 Cambodia is highly susceptible to natural disasters due to the frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events, primarily floods, droughts and windstorms, but also in particular to increased climate variability.These disasters and climate-related hazardshave exacted huge socioeconomic costs on the country’s economy and people’s liveli...

Cambodian State: Developmental, Neoliberal? A Case Study of the Rubber Sector

The majority of studies of governance reform in Cambodia look at the impact on democratic consolidation; not enough attention is given to development. This paper aims to understand how reforms have impacted the state’s ability to support economic growth, using the framework of developmental state with a focus on four characteristics. Based on a...

Impact of Farmer Organisations on Food Security: The Case of Rural Cambodia

This study assesses the impact of participation in farmer organisations (FOs) on the food security of rural households in Cambodia. The study was started in November 2010 and completed in June 2012. The study set out to: (1) examine the roles, operations and challenges of FOs in improving household food security; (2) analyse the household characte...

The Enduring Gap: Decentralisation Reform and Youth Participation in Local Rural Governance

To understand the contribution of the decentralisation reform to youth participation in local rural governance, this paper reviews empirically how youth have utilised the participatory opportunities enabled by the decentralisation reform based on three themes: civic, political and electoral. The findings suggest that despite decentra...