CDRI   (2010)

Empirical Evidence of Irrigation Management in the Tonle Sap Basin: Issues and Challenges

Over the last few decades, state agencies, development organisations and private sector agencies have focused efforts not only on developing physical irrigation infrastructure but also on establishing effective management mechanisms. The empirical data compiled in this paper identifies the everyday issues of irrigation water governance at local lev...

CHEA Chou   (2010)

The Local Governance of Common Pool Resources: The Case of Irrigation Water in Cambodia

The study seeks to identify the factors that enable or constrain the good governance of common-pool resources in Cambodia using irrigation water as the case for analysis. It found that the decentralised natural resource management approach was not functioning, whereas local implementation of community-based natural resource management to manage irr...

Scoping Study: Research Capacities of Cambodia’s Universities

This study tries to map the current state of research in selected Cambodian universities, with special focus on research capacities – the factors that facilitate (or hinder) research, especially applied research with a direct relevance to Cambodia’s development challenges. It seeks also to identify opportunities to seed development research through...