Land Ownership, Sales and Concentration in Cambodia
Land is the most important productive asset in agrarian societies such as Cambodia’s. Throughout Cambodian history, land ownership rights have varied with changes in government. In the period before French colonisation (pre-1863), when all land belonged to the sovereign, people were freely allowed to till unoccupied land and could cultivate as...

Technical Assistance and Capacity Development in an Aid-dependent Economy: the Experience of Cambodia
Cambodia is aid-dependent: the scale of aid is of such magnitude that it distorts the economy in two important ways. First, a high proportion of Cambodia’s best-educated people either work for donor agencies or international non-government organisations (NGOs) or have been assigned to donors’ projects as counterparts. This raises the price of e...

Cambodia: Enhancing Good Governance for Sustainable Development
Good governance is critical for Cambodia's future. Over the last decade, during transition toward liberal democracy and a market economy, Cambodia’s policy-makers, donors and civil society have recognised that strengthening good governance is imperative if Cambodia is to sustain socio-economic development. The current study,...

Seasonality in the Cambodian Consumer Price Index
Preliminary results from a seasonal adjustment of Cambodia’s official consumer price index (CPI) indicate significant seasonality in the series. Although the seasonal factors mirror the country’s main food production cycle, the original series has itself been volatile in recent years, and because of the procedures used in its compilation, it...

Cambodian Labour Migration to Thailand: A Preliminary Assessment
The Asian financial crisis induced a decline in overall economic growth and a surge in unemployment in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. The downturn in the Thai economy has had an adverse impact on thousands of migrant workers, who had been able to take advantage of job opportunities during Thailand’s economic boom. An estimated 82,000 Cam...

Gender and Development in Cambodia: An Overview
This paper highlights the gender gaps in contemporary Cambodian society, and discusses the constraints and underlying attitudes which determine women’s disadvantaged position. As new resources, opportunities and structures are introduced in the course of d...

The UNICEF/Community Action for Social Development Experience: Learning from Rural Development Programmes
This working paper situates the findings of the UNICEF/CASD case study in the context of CDRI Working Paper No. 4, which is a comparative analysis of the joint Cambodia Development Resource Institute/Ministry of Rural Development research project entitled Learning from Rural Development Programmes in Cambodia. The analysis of that Working Paper,...

Cambodia: The Challenge of Productive Employment Creation
Economic growth in Cambodia came to an abrupt halt in 1997 as the domestic political crisis and the external financial crisis took their toll. However, Cambodia has been comparatively mildly affected by the Asian crisis and, provided that political stability can be achieved, there are good chances that the economic decline in 1997 will become li...