CHEM Phalla
Former Acting Executive Director
Dr Chem Phalla holds a PhD in Water Resources Management (University of Sydney), a Master of Engineering in Hydrology and Water Resources (University of South Australia), and a rural engineering degree (Institute of Technology of Cambodia). Phalla is Acting Director of Research at CDRI. Since joining CDRI in 2006, he has worked as a senior researcher and led various large projects including a five-year Water Resources Management Capacity Development Program 2006-11 and a four-year project on Improving Water Governance and Climate Change Adaptation in Cambodia 2012-15.
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This flagship publication is the result of a regional two-year research project entitled: “Enhancing Research and Dialogue on Contract Farming in the Mekong-Lancang Countries”. It represents a close collaboration between CDRI and project partners - the China Agricultural University (CAU), Kasetsart University (Thailand), and the Institute of Policy...

Cambodia is highly susceptible to natural disasters due to the frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events, primarily floods, droughts and windstorms, but also in particular to increased climate variability.These disasters and climate-related hazardshave exacted huge socioeconomic costs on the country’s economy and people’s liveli...

This short paper examines existing methods and tools used to understand climate change impacts, local vulnerabilities and adaptive capacities, with a focus on water governance and water use, in three target areas in the Tonle Sap Basin. Assessment of the effects of climate change requires an integrated framework approach. That framework is made up...

This study examines the possibility of supporting improved catchment irrigation management by evaluating scenarios based on sound hydrological analysis using the Water Evaluation and Planning System (WEAP). The scenarios identify clear options and practical implications for irrigation management which can inform policymakers and relevant stakeh...

A growing population requires more food. Many farmers who grow dry season rice lack irrigation, not only because of lack of water in the catchment, but also because of the lack of irrigation infrastructure and a proper water allocation mechanism. This paper reports on research conducted in Stung Chrey Bak catchment in Kompong Chhnang province t...