HAV Gech Hong

Former Research Assistant

Gechhong started her research career at CDRI in 2014 as a research assistant in the Health Unit where she worked closely with the public health sector. In 2015, she joined the governance team to pursue her research interest in Mekong water governance. She received a Bachelor’s in Sociology from the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) and a Bachelor’s in English from the Cambodian Mekong University. She is currently conducting her PhD program in Japan.

Email : hong@cdri.org.kh

HAV Gech Hong

Working Papers 116

Youth make up one-third of the Cambodian population. This generation was born after the Khmer Rouge years and has grown up with the idea of regular competitive elections in a multi-party system. The youth cohort forms an increasingly significant proportion of the national electorate. This report analyses the results from a nationally representa...