PON Dorina
Former Field-Work Coordinator
Ms Pon Dorina joined CDRI as a research assistant in 1996. She has been the fieldwork coordinator for CDRI since 2012. She has rich experience in supervising fieldwork (both quantitative and qualitative), moderating focus group discussions and taking notes, processing data and generating simple tables from primary household survey data. Currently she is assisting the GMS-Net program. Previously she worked as a government official at the Ministry of Women’s Affairs.
Email : dorina@cdri.org.kh

To what extent can external technical assistance develop the capacity of counterparts, whether in government or in local nongovernmental organizations (LNGOs) in an aid-dependent economy? Cambodia's experience since 1993 suggests that most projects in such a situation are donor-driven in their identification, design and implementation, to the detri...

Cambodia is aid-dependent: the scale of aid is of such magnitude that it distorts the economy in two important ways. First, a high proportion of Cambodia’s best-educated people either work for donor agencies or international non-government organisations (NGOs) or have been assigned to donors’ projects as counterparts. This raises the price of e...

This paper highlights the gender gaps in contemporary Cambodian society, and discusses the constraints and underlying attitudes which determine women’s disadvantaged position. As new resources, opportunities and structures are introduced in the course of d...

This working paper situates the findings of the UNICEF/CASD case study in the context of CDRI Working Paper No. 4, which is a comparative analysis of the joint Cambodia Development Resource Institute/Ministry of Rural Development research project entitled Learning from Rural Development Programmes in Cambodia. The analysis of that Working Paper,...