20 March 2019Engagement in Higher Education Research
Engagement in Higher Education Research was held on 28th February 2019 at the Great Duke Phnom Penh. The workshop concluded a three-year research programme on Higher Education Policy Research and Influencing in Cambodia (2016-2018) – the first development project cycle funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) of the Australian Government. It highlighted the higher education research findings on five key themes, namely (1) STEM education, (2) Internationalization, (3) Research Promotion, (4) Typology, and (5) Governance and Financing. The workshop agenda incorporated five main sessions: (1) opening remarks, (2) Policy research findings: To inform, to influence and to impact, (3) modality of CDRI-DFAT Development Partnership, (4) Panel Discussion I: Policy implications and future research directions as well as, (5) Panel Discussion II: Capacity development for evidence-based research. It was attended by representatives from the government, private sector, development partners and research community. It was CDRI’s first paperless seminar of its kind. The Convene App was adopted for participants registration and evaluation. CDRI’s research team also introduced the transmedia narrative approach to their presentation of the findings – moving the beyond the traditional format of research dissemination. Overall, the workshop was well received, with positive comments from the audience.