03 September 2020Mr Zhang Bao Visits CDRI
On 03 September 2020, Mr Sim Sokcheng, CDRI Staff Representative and Director of Centre for Policy Research on Agriculture and Rural Development, Mr Sen Sina, Secretary of CDRI Board of Directors (BOD), and Dr Pech Sokhem, Executive Director, welcomed the visit by Mr Zhang Bao, new CDRI BoD member, Chief Correspondent of the Cambodia Bureau, Economic Daily. He has also several years of experience in research for development in China and internationally. In August 2020, the Chair of CDRI BoD, H.E. Dr Mey Kalyan, welcomes two new international members to the Board including Mr Zhang. Another new member is Mr Roland Rajah, Lead Economist, and Director of International Economics Program, Lowy Institute, a think tank in Australia. His previous experience was with Asian Development Bank, and with DFAT (managing an economic reform advisory program) and AusAID.