16 December 2023Southeast Asia’s Economic Research and Development Conference
On 16-17 December 2023, CDRI, in collaboration with the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) and the Young Scholar Initiative’s History of Economic Thought Working Group (YSI HET), successfully hosted the Southeast Asia Economic Research and Development Conference. During this conference, our researchers participated in the plenary discussion and presented their research studies to approximately 100 scholars including general participants, speakers, presenters from 15 countries and various organisations.
The discussion covered a wide range of topics in economics, including the history of economic thought, political economy and macroeconomic development, STEM education in Cambodia, natural resource development, monetary policy and banking system, and industrial transition and technological development.
The conference served as an important platform for young scholars and researchers in the fields of economics and social science. It provided an opportunity for them to share their research, exchange knowledge across different study agendas and backgrounds, and receive feedback on their work from senior researchers and practitioners.