28 June 2021The 1st WEBINAR on Methodology and approach of the Regional joint-research: “Assessment of rice sector development in selected sub-Mekong countries
In the PY3 – 2021, under the framework of the project Network for Agriculture and Rural Development Think-tanks for Countries in Mekong sub-region (NARDT) funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), IPSARD and CFPs in CLMV will jointly organize WEBINARs to promote knowledge sharing through regular information exchange and policy advocacy while overcoming international travel restriction due to impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
IPSARD and CFPs in CLMV will host regular webinars for discussing and sharing knowledge/ experiences on selected topics of common interests. The regional senior advisor will be in charge of facilitating these webinars, setting the expected outputs and outcomes of each webinar, and guiding NARDT-members to conduct such events in the most practical way. IPSARD and CFPs will alternatively act as the host of each webinar, being responsible for the content and logistics preparation. Other NARDT members and stakeholders in CLMV will be informed and invited to join the discussion online. Information of the webinars will be published via NARDT website and Facebook fan-page.
The 1st webinar in 2021 will be hosted by IPSARD at 2 pm, 28 June 2021 via Zoom meeting on the topic of Methodology and approach of the Regional joint-research: “Assessment of rice sector development in selected sub-Mekong countries”
2. Objectives
The main objectives of the 1st webinar:
• Finalize the analytical framework of the regional joint-research
• Agree on the methodology, approach, survey tools, respective outputs and the detail timeframe of each partner.
3. Time and venue
Time: 2 pm, 28 June 2021
Venue: hosted by IPSARD via Zoom meeting
4. Participants
Regional Senior advisor – Dr. Dang Kim Son
The research team of IPSARD, CESD, NAFRI, CDRI
Useful Link
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