Impact Evaluation of Community-Based Childcare Centres (CBCCs)

Photo Credit: Chhor Sokunthea/World Bank
Project Description

To design, administer, and disseminate the results of an impact evaluation of community-based day-cares for the children of garment factory workers (CBCC) in Kampong Speu Province, Kandal Province, and other areas. To design a rigorous program evaluation that answers pre-specified research questions on the impact of professional, high-quality daycare on child development, worker wellbeing, and worker productivity. To administer a rigorous impact evaluation across all project areas with full collaboration between project, research, and factory partners. To share the results of the impact evaluation with project partners for reflection on potential application of findings, and to disseminate the research results more among the government agencies, social services and development sector in Cambodia and the broader global research community.

Project Objective

The operational cooperation includes three rounds of survey for the impact evaluation at baseline, mid-term review and project evaluation.

  • Develop IE plan (RCT methodology)
  • Develop survey tools
  • Conducts data collections (baseline, mid-term, and end-line)
  • Data analysis
  • Report writing
  • Organise dissemination workshops

Start Date : 31-May-2021
End Date : 13-Mar-2023



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