Baseline Survey for Socio-economic Impact Assessment: Greater Mekong Sub-region Transmission Project
This research project represents the first baseline socioeconomic survey that CDRI has conducted for the Greater Mekong Sub-region Transmission Project of Asian Development Bank. The study was designed to develop a set of comprehensive baseline demographic, social and economic as well as energy consumption indicators for the project. The tools for data collection were village and household surveys in 27 villages, of which 17 villages are potentially project beneficiaries (treatment group) and 10 are non-beneficiaries (control group). It then used propensity score matching method to predict the probability of household participation (propensity score) in the two groups.
From the matching operation, it produces favourable results
for consumption, male adults’ study time, and family and children’s teaching
time, while total income differences of households in the two groups, and
income from sources such as crops, common property resources, labour wage and
remittance remain statistically significant, albeit reduced. This indicates
that after controlling for household and village characteristics, households in
the control and treatment groups have similar consumption behaviour, total
spending and time allocation for reading and teaching at home. Although the
matching operation could not produce better results in terms of household
income from different sources, the median bias of the matching operation has
been reduced substantially.
The propensity score matching analysis enables us to see if
good matches for the treatment households can be found in the comparison
sub-sample, and to consider the possibility of dropping some of the comparison
households (those with highly different characteristics) from any follow-up
survey. After matching, 35 households, which were off-support, were dropped creating
the new sample of 709 reduced from 744. For follow-up evaluation study, the
research team should refer to after-match sample villages as the study site and
it is hoped that the survey costs could be reduced.