Households in Cambodia
derive their income mainly from non-farm self-employment, salaries and wages,
agricultural crops and other activities. On average, non-farm self-employment income
amounts to 29 percent of total income, but its share was largest during the oil
and food price increases and the global financial crisis that occurred in 2008
and 2009. However, household participation rates in non-farm self-employment
during the crisis were exactly the same as in 2007 and two percentage points
lower than in 2010. This suggests that households engaged in non-farm
self-employment are likely to gain more benefit during income shocks, which
appears to contradict the perception of non-farm self-employment as an
insurance strategy (Lay et al. 2009)—particularly
when households face income shocks for which they are unable to compensate with
Penh and other urban areas seem to depend on only two primary sources of income,
self-employment and wage labour, while rural households rely mostly on
agriculture, but self-employment and wage labour are also important. The lowest
quintile of households relies on wage labour and agricultural crops rather than
non-farm self-employment. In contrast, the highest quintile of households
derives a higher share of their income from non-farm selfemployment. More than
60 percent of the highest quintile participated in non-farm selfemployment, while
the corresponding figure in the lowest quintile was only 20 percent. This inactivity
in the non-farm self-employment sector largely reflects a lack of
entrepreneurship and/or education. This finding is consistent with the recent
study by Rahut and Micevska Scharf (2012), who confirm that education plays a
major role in access to the non-agricultural sector and reducing poverty in
households had lower income than male-headed households over the study period.
In addition, the income of female-headed households fluctuated more sharply. The
difference is likely due to capital constraints and a lack of agricultural land
and education. Therefore, female-headed households depended more on low-paid
jobs, while male–headed households relied
mainly on self-employment, particularly during the crisis.
per capita in rural areas amounted to 1,850,000 riels per year in 2004 and
edged up to 2,138,000 riels in 2012—an
increase of 16 percent. Income per capita in rural areas was the lowest among
the three regions (Phnom Penh, other urban and rural). The income gap between
other urban and rural areas increased over 2004-08 and decreased in 2009 before
reaching its narrowest point in 2011. The main source of income in rural areas
was agriculture: crops, fishing, forestry and hunting—representing 33 percent of total income per capita in 2004,
and remained almost unchanged over the study period except in 2012. Income from
non-farm self-employment was the least important source for rural households,
at 21 percent of total income in 2004 and remaining almost the same during
2004-12. Salaries and wages showed increasing importance in the last few years,
rising from 21 percent in 2004 to 37 percent in 2012—the trend being the same across wealth quintiles,
agro-ecological zones and gender of household head.
income per capita grew by 29.5 percent between 2004 and 2007—equivalent to an annualised rate of 9 percent. In 2008, this
contracted by 9 percent. Female-headed households experienced a larger income
loss than male-headed households. The decline was greatest among the second and
fifth quintile households. In 2009, rural income per capita grew at the fastest
rate, 20 percent, with the largest gain in the highest quintile and
female-headed households. It experienced slower growth of 6 percent in 2010 and
registered negative growth of 4 percent and 20 percent in 2011 and 2012.
per capita for the highest quintile in rural areas was 2.8 times larger than in
the lowest quintile in 2004. Income inequality between the lowest and highest
quintiles in rural households widened over the study period, although the ratio
between them declined in the last two years. In other words, the highest
quintile households are more likely to have benefited from rural income growth
than the lowest quintile households. Importantly, income disparity in rural
areas seems to be higher than at the national level. However, income inequality
between rural and urban area especially Phnom Penh started to narrow down in
2009 and reached its lowest level in 2011. The decrease in the income gap
between Phnom Penh and rural areas in 2010 and 2011 was mostly due to the sharp
drop of incomes in Phnom Penh, while those in rural areas remain unchanged.
This suggests that broad-based growth strategies are needed to help poor rural
households to benefit more from overall economic growth.