As it looks to
meet its development goals, the Cambodian government can develop a holistic
road map informed by lessons learned from success stories in advanced
industrial economies.
Nobel Memorial
Prize winner Gary Becker theorized that investing in human capital
through education and training is central to the socioeconomic development of
all countries. His ideas became hugely influential, and many nations have since
poured a great deal of resources into the sector.
Cambodia needs to follow suit. As things stand, it faces a shortage of high-skilled workers something a country that aspires to be competitive in the global market through industrial development simply cannot afford. But there’s a way past this bottleneck provided that the government can develop a holistic road map informed by lessons learned from success stories in advanced industrial economies.
The link access to the paper: https://www.devex.com/news/opinion-cambodia-s-bid-for-industrial-power-needs-a-stronger-workforce-102712