The Role of Income Diversification during the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence from Nine Villages in Cambodia
This paper uses four-period panel data
covering the years 2001, 2004, 2008 and 2011 to analyse the roles of rural income
diversification during the global financial crisis. Income diversification is commonly defined as a
proportion of income derived from non-farm activities or the number of income portfolios. However,
the use of such measures is problematic because
the income diversification variable is sensitive to assumptions about the
thresholds used to assign households to
different income categories. To address this concern, following Dimova and Sen (2010), we use the Herfindahl
index constructed as the sum of squares of the shares of different income portfolios in
the household: the smaller the index value, the higher the degree of income diversification. Using both fixed- and random-effects models,
we find that the number of male household
members aged 15-64, household head primarily engaged in agriculture, durable assets, agricultural land endowment, health
shock and crop failure are the key determinants of income diversification in rural Cambodia,
where households’ diversification behaviour is mainly motivated by the desire to accumulate
rather than by survival concerns. This finding suggests that richer households are better
able than poorer households to seize the advantages provided by a diversified income portfolio. It
also implies that accumulation-led diversification has less impact on poverty, at least in the
short run, than survival-led activity. Therefore policies that reduce constraints on
diversification, such as risk reduction strategies, microcredit provision, rural services, rural non-farm
enterprise development, infrastructure and education improvements are in general desirable. Using the interaction of health shock and crop
failure as an instrumental variable, we
confirm that income diversification is strongly and positively associated with
per capita consumption but is unlikely
to help smooth consumption during a crisis. This result holds even if we use the poverty headcount ratio as the
measure of household welfare outcomes. These findings strengthen the need for well-designed
public safety nets as a risk-reducing and coping strategy.