HING Vutha   (2013)

Leveraging Trade for Economic Growth in Cambodia

This paper attempts to answer three important questions: (1) Why does trade matter? (2) Whyis trade vital for Cambodia’s growth? (3) What policy priorities for Cambodia will make tradework for economic growth?  First, trade matters because it increases growth. Openness to trade affects growth by: allowing a country to exploit its comparativ...

HOSSEIN Jalilian   (2013)

Assessing China's Impact on Poverty in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Since the dawn of the industrial revolution, and the ushering in of an era of global economic relations, the United States and Europe have been the core poles of economic power. However, China along with India is increasingly challenging the traditional economic hegemony. An issue of great importance is how this shift in the global economic balance...

HAY Sovuthea   (2013)

Government Response to Inflation Crisis and Global Financial Crisis

This paper takes stock of the domestic macroeconomic policy deployed in mitigating the highest inflation and lowest growth Cambodia had experienced since 1994. Fiscal and monetary policies were well-coordinated alongside a package of administrative measures to tackle soaring inflation resultant of the oil and food price hikes in 2007 and slow...