CDRI   (2012)

Understanding Poverty Dynamics: Evidence from Nine Villages in Cambodia

Poverty in Cambodia is one of the highest in Asia. Despite the country’s very impressive GDP growth in the last decade or so, poverty remains pervasive specifically in the rural areas. The food and economic crises along with the idiosyncratic shocks of the recent years put the plight of the poor and near-poor at even greater risk. The Poverty D...

ROTH Vathana   (2012)

Sectoral Composition of China's Economic Growth, Poverty Reduction and Inequality: Development and Policy Implication for Cambodia

Although country contextual differences and pre-conditions must be carefully considered when attempting to replicate economic growth and poverty reduction models, Cambodia could consider experiences of some Asian countries like China, India, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam to further improve its poverty reduction strategies and implementation...

A Basic Consumer Price Index for Cambodia 1993–2009

This paper calculates basic consumer price indices for Cambodia for 1993-2009, using data gathered in provincial markets, using the Phnom Penh Consumer Price Index base periods of 1994, 2000 and 2006 of the Cambodian National Institute of Statistics (NIS). The key output of the paper is a National Basic Consumer Price Index for Cambodia.The pap...

TONG Kimsun   (2012)

Analysing Chronic Poverty in Rural Cambodia: Evidence from Panel Data

This paper uses four years of panel data on 793 households collected during 2001–11 to measure chronic poverty in rural Cambodia and to identify its key determinants. A household wealth index—a proxy for long-term welfare—constructed by polychoric principal component analysis is used as welfare indicator. Both ordered logistic and multinomial l...