BUN Phoury
Research Fellow
Ms. BUN Phoury graduated with a Master of Education (by Research) from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. She also held dual honours degrees, a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed in TEFL) from the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) and a Bachelor of Accounting and Finance from CamEd Business School.
Her research interests include academic profession, Artificial Intelligent (AI), EdTech, VocTech, TVET, the intersection of arts and science, edupreneurship, care and green economy, social psychology of the classroom, future skill development, learning evaluation, and inclusive teaching and training.
Email : phoury.bun@cdri.org.kh

The Life Skills for Equality Project (LSEP), a gender-transformative program1 implemented by Room to Read (RtR) -Cambodia, has demonstrated promising results in equipping boys with essential life skills and promoting gender equality. This research study examined LSEP's effectiveness in fostering boys’ education engagement, promoting gender...

Background:Closely echoing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Goals call upon State Parties to ensure the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society, including access to information. As part of its mandates, UNESCO contribu...

Cambodia’s textbook supply chain experienced challenges with shortages, late deliveries, and inaccurate forecasting, impacting student learning. Track and Trace (TnT), a digital solution that streamlines the supply chain, was introduced in 2022. However, TnT was not implemented equally across schools. Therefore, this paper aims to (1) investigate...

Cambodian primary schools often encounter challenges in sourcing textbooks. Inefficient manual processes were used before the introduction of Track and Trace (TnT) in 2022, a digital solution that aimed to streamline the textbook supply chain. This research aims to (1) explore the motivations behind the development of TnT and (2) understand the...

Key Highlights In Cambodia, one in four people over five years old are estimated to have some form of disability. This group tends to be older, female, and residing in rural areas. The most common types of disabilities include difficulties in seeing, remembering, and walking/climbing. Education and work opportunities are limited, especially for wom...

This policy brief presents key findings from the technical report "Learning to Improve Book Resource Operational Systems (LIBROS) in Cambodia". The study examined the perceived impacts, development, and implementing factors of the Track and Trace (TnT) system, a digital intervention implemented by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS)...

Children in low-and middle-income countries often struggle to master foundational academic skills, such as reading, despite years of schooling. Quality learning materials are essential to addressing this issue. In this Learning to Improve Books Resource Operational Systems (LIBROS) study, we explore ways to enhance the primary-level book supply cha...

This Book Brief is a compilation of findings from studies in the LIBROS-Cambodia Project. It provides overall pictures of the primary-level book supply chain situation in Cambodia and Track and Trace (TnT) system, which is now the Core Textbook Supply Management System in Cambodia.

This Systems Thinking workshop involved the implementation of eight main activities: issue prioritization, issue mapping systemigram, strategy prioritization, evidence prioritization, stakeholder and idealized evidence network mapping, evidence ecosystem relationship analysis, mapping critical success factors, and research contextualization. A...

Educational technology (EdTech) is a broad term encompassing tools and resources used in various aspects of education. Its global rise, particularly in developing countries, offers potential solutions to educational challenges. However, while EdTech promises tailored solutions, policymakers need a deeper understanding of its effective and sustainab...

Gender norms and disparities in education impact both boys and girls. Globally, more boys are out of school, and their learning performances are also decreasing compared to girls. These issues affect educational attainment and societal gender equality. Cambodia recognises the importance of addressing gender disparities in education and has initiate...

Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in Cambodia face many barriers and challenges: poverty and unsustainable livelihoods; stigma and discrimination; limited access to services, information, justice, and education; inaccessibility of physical infrastructure, etc. In addition, there is a lack of mainstreaming of disability into broader policies and plans...

This is a part of the Supporting Holistic and Actionable Research in Education (SHARE), a five-year cooperative agreement with the University of Notre Dame (UND) supported by the USAID’s new Bureau for Development, Democracy, and Innovation/Center for Education (DDI/EDU), to advance global education learning priorities to improve learning outcomes....