Senior Research Fellow
Dr Chea Phal is currently the Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation. He has previously worked as a consultant for the World Bank, a research fellow at Kobe University, and an adjunct researcher at the Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration (RIEB), Japan. He holds a Master's and PhD in economics of education from the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University, Japan. He has been actively involved in joint projects between UNESCO Bangkok and Kobe University, conducting various educational research projects in Cambodia. His research interests encompass economics of education, education finance, higher education, learning assessment, and field experiments. He has authored and co-authored numerous scientific papers, including those indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases.
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The study applies the Hierarchical Linear Modeling(HLM) approach using the international learning assessment survey, PISA for Development (PISA-D), to examine the effects of demand-side and supply-side factors associated with academic performance in Cambodia. Findings from the study suggest that students' characteristics and family background are g...

This study investigates the relationships between school resources and student learning achievements using large-scale Programme for International Student Assessment for Development (PISA-D) survey data, the first international student learning assessment Cambodia participated in 2017. It found the positive effects on school infrastructure on stude...