PON Dorina
Former Field-Work Coordinator
Ms Pon Dorina joined CDRI as a research assistant in 1996. She has been the fieldwork coordinator for CDRI since 2012. She has rich experience in supervising fieldwork (both quantitative and qualitative), moderating focus group discussions and taking notes, processing data and generating simple tables from primary household survey data. Currently she is assisting the GMS-Net program. Previously she worked as a government official at the Ministry of Women’s Affairs.
Email : dorina@cdri.org.kh

This report reviews a project funded under the research program called “Scale up of Homestead Food Production for Improved Nutrition in Cambodia”, also known as “Family Farms for the Future (FF4F)”. The project tries to capture FF4F’s immediate and potential contribution to food security. FF4F aims to help three main groups: large-scale producers o...

The project was funded by the United States Agency for International Development in partnership with Mitchell Group, Inc. (TMG). The project was to conduct mid-term evaluation on HARVEST II project.

CDRI has collected and maintained a panel data of households in rural Cambodia. The work started in 1996-97 when CDRI conducted a benchmark survey of three villages—Prek Khmeng, Babaong and Trapeang Prey. Data collection has been regular (one every three years) surveying 1,183 sample households in 11 rural villages, representing the four geographic...