SAO Davy
Visiting Fellow
Davy Sao obtained his PhD in Agricultural and Environmental
Engineering from the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT). He
is a Fellow in the Mekong Thought Leadership and Think Tanks (MTT) Program,
hosted at the Center for National Resources and Environment (CNRE) at the
Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI). His main tasks are to
contribute to developing research proposals on Cambodia’s water-food-climate
nexus, support writing papers, policy briefs, and blogs based on ongoing research
projects, and provide presentations in relevant workshops, conferences, or
policy dialogues. His research interests include water resources assessments,
hydrological modeling, and climate change impacts on water and agriculture.
Prior to the MTT program, Davy gained diverse work experience, including
serving as a team leader in a training program in China, participating in an
international exchange on climate change in the United States, and interning at
the FAO in water management in Egypt. In the meantime, Davy also holds the
position of Executive Director (part-time) at the Center for Sustainable Water
(CSW), where he leads the organization's efforts to enhance water resources
management and increase access to clean water and sanitation services for
underserved communities.