PAK Kimchoeun   (2011)

Fiscal Decentralisation in Cambodia: A Review of Progress and Challenges

To achieve democratic development, Cambodia’s next step towards fiscal decentralisation will focus on both institutional and service delivery reform at district level so as to strengthen the capacity of the sub-national administration and better link it to sectoral service delivery. To move forwards, fiscal decentralisation needs to be comprehe...

Food Security and Climate Change to 2050: Cambodia

In Cambodia, two thirds of the population are economically dependent on agriculture and most farmers are poorly equipped to adapt to climate change. Because of international linkages through trade and prices, any complete analysis of the potential domestic effects of climate change must consider impacts on a global scale. This paper highlights a se...

Food Security and Nutrition in Cambodia: Patterns and Pathways

Through comparison with other countries in Asia, this paper analyses the patterns of hunger and malnutrition in Cambodia and possible pathways to ensure the country’s future food security. In the face of increased inequality and high population growth, Cambodia has managed to make considerable progress in reducing hunger and malnutrition especially...

Cambodia’s Agricultural Strategy: Future Development Options for the Rice Sector

This paper first reviews the performance of the rice sector and rice-related government policies and interventions and then explores a possible development path for rice by comparing the current situation in Cambodia with the early development stages of Thailand and Vietnam. With strong government support, rice production has grown rapidly since 20...

BLAKE D. Ratner   (2011)

Natural Resource Governance and Food Security in Cambodia

Cambodia experienced a decade of rapid economic growth until 2007, but that growth depended significantly on exploiting its  natural resource base and was marked by an unusually rapid rise in inequality. While investments in health, education, rural infrastructure and microcredit are essential to improving the asset portfolio of vulnerable househol...