What Limits Agricultural Intensification in Cambodia? The Role of Emigration, Agricultural Extension Services and Credit Constraints

This paper attempts to define the factors which determine emigration and rice doublecropping, i.e. rice cultivation on the same plot twice per year, by rural households in Cambodia, and investigates whether these decisions influence each other using data from a two-period panel survey of 231 households in three provinces in rural Cambodia. In t...

Policy Coherence in Agricultural and Rural Development: Cambodia

This paper presents the main findings of the Policy Coherence for Agriculture and Rural Development study. Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) is about making sure that policies for sector development do not contradict or undermine one another and that as far as possible, policies are complementary and create synergy. In practice, it is abou...

Improving the Governance of Water Resources in Cambodia: A Stakeholder Analysis

Irrigation development and management of water resources present serious governance challenges for many stakeholders in Cambodia. Farmers, government agencies, development organisations and the private sector all have a role to play, yet their roles and responsibilities are not always well defined. Contemporary ideas on water governance indicat...

Assessing China’s Impact on Poverty Reduction in the Greater Mekong Subregion: The Case of Cambodia

The deepening trade relation between Cambodia and China has brought about significant expansion of bilateral trade between the two nations; however, Cambodia’s negative trade balance continues to widen at an average annual growth rate of 34 percent. The study uses the framework developed by Jenkins and Edwards (2004) to examine China-Cambodia t...

Irrigation Water Productivity in Cambodian Rice Systems

Cambodia’s economy is based largely on the agricultural sector which contributes 33 percent of the national GDP and employs more than 67 percent of the national labour force. Rice production is central to this sector: not only do the majority of Cambodia’s farmers depend directly and indirectly on the success of the rice crop each year, but bei...