Centre for Governance and Inclusive Society
The Centre for Governance and Inclusive Society (CGIS) examines emerging policy questions confronting policymakers with evidence and knowledge to build inclusive society and responsive governance in a rapidly changing context. The centre analyses current and contemporary policy processes and challenges related to civic engagement, local governance, decentralization, youth, leadership and new technologies. Our research also incorporates cross-cutting topics on climate change, technology and gender. In terms of gender, we focus on: (i) the participation of women in institutions as decision-makers and public officials at the national and sub-national levels; (ii) the engagement of women as citizens with the government and its institutions and mediators; (iii) the capacity of the state to promote gender equality, and to mainstream gender within institutions, including through policy, programmes and budget arrangements; and (iv) the impact of the political and technological development on gender relations more broadly, including whether state responses enable or constrain gender equality.The research draws critically from the literature to formulate theoretically informed, policy-relevant research questions that would uncover, interrogate and explain Khmer conceptions and perspectives of key governance and emerging trends, thereby laying the groundwork for an indigenous Cambodian social science. In the current Research Strategy 2016-2021, the CGIS’s main research titles Ponlork: The Emergence of a New Era for Cambodia. Ponlork focuses on the impact of demographic change on politics and society in Cambodia.

Building Capacities for Civic Engagement, Peacebuilding and Inclusive Dialogue: Towards Inclusive and Participatory Gove...
United Nations Development Programme, CambodiaOver the past two decades, Cambodia has made significant economic progress, with growth being over 7%. The opportunity exists to underpin this progress towards an inclusive and equitable social contract by strengthening social cap...

Local Leadership in Cambodia
Swedish International Development Cooperation AgencySince the end of the war, Cambodia has undergone significant social, economic and demographic change as well as governance reform. In 2002, the first local elections of the post-war era elected local government councils. This stud...

Social Protection and the Gendered Impacts of COVID-19 in Cambodia: Longitudinal Research to ‘Build Back Better’ in the...
UK Research and InnovationCOVID-19 pandemic has caused severe disruption of the global garment industry such as manufacturing shutdowns, consumer lockdowns, order cancellation of suppliers, and lack of raw materials. However, social protection in Cambodia...

Barriers and Pathways to Women's Political Participation in Myanmar: Gender Equality and Decentralization in Myanmar -Co...
Canada's International Development Research CentreWomen’s participation in politics has been an issue that remains to be addressed in order to achieve gender equality around the world. In Asia, while important progress has been made towards gender equality and where women are key...

Desk Study on EU-China's Development Cooperation in Cambodia
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SwissIn this context of promoting Cambodia’s Sustainable Development Goals and aid effectiveness, and with the aim to inform the preparation of the next Joint European Strategy 2020-2024, European partners in Cambodia agreed to conduct...

Focusing a Gendered Lens on Climate Resilience, Credit, and Malnutrition in Translocal Cambodia and South India
UK Research and InnovationThis project is cutting-edge research with innovative that addresses cross-cut topics and disciplines in developing holistic interventions and solutions to developing countries in Cambodia and India. This is collaborative researc...

Cybergovernance in Cambodia: A Risk-Based Approach to Cybersecurity
To understand cyber risk in Cambodia and equip policy leaders to oversee it, this paper assesses the successes and challenges of current cyber risk management efforts in Cambodia and throughout the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region. The findings suggest that there is a large gap between the rapid implementation of new technologies in Cambodia and the capacity to govern conseque...

Gender Analysis of Survey on Cambodia’s Young and Older Generation: Family, Community, Political Knowledge and Attitudes, and Future Expectations
Cambodia, following more than two decades of impressive economic performance and development, is fast becoming one of Asia’s new tiger economies. Sustained robust GDP growth of over 7 percent has supported improvements in physical infrastructure (economic and social) and substantial poverty reduction. This economic improvement, mostly made possible by rapid manufacturing (garment industry), const...

Cambodia’s Young and Older Generation: Views on Generational Relations and Key Social and Political Issues
Youth make up one-third of the Cambodian population. This generation was born after the Khmer Rouge years and has grown up with the idea of regular competitive elections in a multi-party system. The youth cohort forms an increasingly significant proportion of the national electorate. This report analyses the results from a nationally representative survey of Cambodian citizens’ family and comm...

Facebook, Contestation and Poor People’s Politics: Spanning the Urban–Rural Divide in Cambodia?
Rural internet use, although still limited, is growing, raising the question of how rural people are using social media politically. As a vehicle of communication that permits the rapid transmission of information, images and text across space and connections between dispersed networks of individuals, does technological advance in rural areas presage significant political transformations? This art...