LUN Pide
Former Research Fellow
Email : NA

Motivated by the relatively low indicators for access to basic secondary education and healthcare, the study attempts to (1) analyse national policy and institutional framework for inclusive development in health and education, and (2) identify areas needing attention or updating. In education, Cambodia has made considerable progress towards achiev...

The study examines the characteristics, root causes, and challenges of irregular migration from Cambodia and then discusses the regulatory approaches and policy options to manage it. It employed mixed approaches, including a survey of 507 households in six high-migration villages, focus group discussions with returned and intending migrant workers,...

Households in Cambodia derive their income mainly from non-farm self-employment, salaries and wages, agricultural crops and other activities. On average, non-farm self-employment income amounts to 29 percent of total income, but its share was largest during the oil and food price increases and the global financial crisis that occurred in...

The Role of Rural Credit during the Global Financial Crisis: Evidence From Nine Villages in Cambodia
This paper studies the role of rural credit in Cambodia during the global financial and economic crisis that began in 2008. The paper briefly reviews rural credit in Cambodia during 2008, analyses rural households’ formal and informal credit demand during the crisis and proposes policy options. The results suggest that household dema...

The district and provincial council elections in May 2009, for the first time, offered communes the opportunity to choose councillors from whom they can demand accountability, and introduced a new relationship between commune councillors and higher councils. The main goal of this survey is to gauge the view of commune and district councillors and d...

Migration via irregular channels has been the most popular option for Cambodian workers seeking jobs abroad as it is widely regarded as relatively secure, convenient and cheap. But some migrants face abuse and exploitation while others become victims of human trafficking. Irregular migration raises serious issues about the protection and management...