PON Dorina
Former Field-Work Coordinator
Ms Pon Dorina joined CDRI as a research assistant in 1996. She has been the fieldwork coordinator for CDRI since 2012. She has rich experience in supervising fieldwork (both quantitative and qualitative), moderating focus group discussions and taking notes, processing data and generating simple tables from primary household survey data. Currently she is assisting the GMS-Net program. Previously she worked as a government official at the Ministry of Women’s Affairs.
Email : dorina@cdri.org.kh

Households in Cambodia derive their income mainly from non-farm self-employment, salaries and wages, agricultural crops and other activities. On average, non-farm self-employment income amounts to 29 percent of total income, but its share was largest during the oil and food price increases and the global financial crisis that occurred in...

This paper calculates basic consumer price indices for Cambodia for 1993-2009, using data gathered in provincial markets, using the Phnom Penh Consumer Price Index base periods of 1994, 2000 and 2006 of the Cambodian National Institute of Statistics (NIS). The key output of the paper is a National Basic Consumer Price Index for Cambodia.The pap...

The noticeable rise in foreign direct investment (FDI) in agricultural land in developing countries in Africa, South and Central Asia and Latin America in recent years has sparked concerns among civil society groups and international organisations as to the potential impacts on poor local communities’ access to resources. Growing interest from...