TEK Muytieng
Research Associate (On Study Leave)
Ms Tek graduated from Beijing Normal University, China in 2019, with Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and Policy (Comparative Education). Prior to her post-graduate study, she completed a Bachelor Program in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) from the Institute of Foreign Languages, Royal University of Phnom Penh. Her professional career started as a Research Intern at the Economy, Trade and Regional Cooperation Programme of the Cambodia Development Resource Institute, and then Research Assistant and now Research Associate in the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation at the same institute. Her main areas of interest include higher education development, specifically issues related to internationalisation, skill gaps/mismatch, and the Chinese model of educational development and education aids.
Email : tieng@cdri.org.khThis study explores the international engagement of academics and the factors influencing their engagement in internationalisation efforts in Cambodian universities. Data were gathered through online semi-structured interviews with academics and university administrators and later coded and analysed using reflexive thematic approach. The findings r...
In the past two decades, Cambodia has been committed to the global agenda of ensuring that all children from all walks of life have access to education and quality learning opportunities. The focus was not only on access to education but also on gender parity and learning quality. Three years after the adoption of the Dakar Framework for Action in...
This paper investigates the correlation between international experience in China and the self-perceived employability of Cambodian students using an explanatory mixed-methods approach. The findings suggest a positive correlation between international experience and students’ self-perceived employability, with technical knowledge and skills acquisi...
Internationalisation is known to contribute to higher education development, particularly through the integration of international, inter-cultural or global dimensions into the purpose, functions, or delivery of higher education institutions (Knight 2004). Within this inter-connected world, higher education institutions are pressured to produce...
This review paper aims to examine the characteristics of faculty engagement in the internationalisation of higher education and the factors influencing the participation of faculty members in such a process. The review finds that faculty members have so far engaged in international activities in the form of international teaching and research, join...
Over the past sixty years, Cambodia has made great strides in expanding access to primary education. Much less progress has been made with respect to quality. That may be changing, however, with a new education minister promoting ambitious reforms with quality at their centre. The chapter explains the quality agenda as a product of new demands on t...
This paper examines the quality of primary education provision in Cambodia using a ‘political settlements’ framework developed at the University of Manchester. The framework characterises Cambodia as a ‘hybrid’ settlement with a weak dominant party and predatory administration, albeit with some islands of administrative effectiveness. Such states c...
The World Bank project on “Evidence Based Policy Study: Supply and Demand Solutions for Accessibility and Affordable Childcare Services in Cambodia” examines the interlink between supply and demand for childcare services to analyze the correlation between the supply and demand for daycare centers and employment rates. This is an emerging concern...
Lack of quality teaching and learning is one of the main causes of the learning crisis for girls and boys alike, therefore there is a need for significant improvements in teaching to ensure that all students, both boys and girls, learn. Evidence on the impact of gender-responsive or gender transformative pedagogy on student learning outcomes is sti...
Access to formal financial services and technology across low-, middle- and high-income countries is far from universal. East Asia and the Pacific and South Asia together account for over 800 million unbanked people, and the region is home to over 50% of the unbanked and digitally under-served globally. Digital financial inclusion is becoming centr...
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about educational disruptions from pre-school to higher education in Cambodia and around the world. Although the impact of the pandemic in Cambodia was relatively low in comparison to other countries in the region and the world in 2020, and schools were able to reopen its door again in early 2021, the February 20,...
This three-year programme is supported by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through The Asia Foundation (TAF)’s Ponlok Chomnes Programme: Data and Dialogue for Development in Cambodia. In this programme CDRI aims at strengthening the capacity of knowledge-sector institutions to undertake quality research, informing publi...
The “Higher Education Policy Research & Influencing in Cambodia” was one of the major programmes implemented by the Education Unit of the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI). Receiving financial support from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the three-year programme aimed to produce independent, objective, hi...