Correlates of STEM Major Choice: A Quantitative Look at Cambodian University Freshmen

STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education is attracting increasing public interest and policy attention and being promoted at different educational levels in Cambodia. The study seeks to identify factors associated with Cambodian university freshmen’s choice of STEM major and how significant associations differ by gender and un...

Cambodia in the Electronic and Electrical Global Value Chains

This paper maps Cambodia’s participation in Electronic and Electrical (E&E) value chains using trade statistics. It also conducts SWOT analysis based on both qualitative and quantitative data from a E&E firm survey, from which three major conclusions are drawn. This paper argues that E&E production in Cambodia has expanded rapidly with countries in...

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in Cambodia: The Roles of Academic Institutions

Numerous studies have identified the importance of a healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem in stimulating and sustaining innovation and entrepreneurship. Local entrepreneurial ecosystems are made up of both formal and informal institutions, which include legal, economic, institutional, political, social and cultural factors. As well as providing variou...

Gender Analysis of Survey on Cambodia’s Young and Older Generation: Family, Community, Political Knowledge and Attitudes, and Future Expectations

Cambodia, following more than two decades of impressive economic performance and development, is fast becoming one of Asia’s new tiger economies. Sustained robust GDP growth of over 7 percent has supported improvements in physical infrastructure (economic and social) and substantial poverty reduction. This economic improvement, mostly made possibl...

Cambodia’s Young and Older Generation: Views on Generational Relations and Key Social and Political Issues

Youth make up one-third of the Cambodian population. This generation was born after the Khmer Rouge years and has grown up with the idea of regular competitive elections in a multi-party system. The youth cohort forms an increasingly significant proportion of the national electorate. This report analyses the results from a nationally representa...

Economic Return to Investment in Education and TVET: Micro and Marco Perspectives

This study is a part of the UN Joint Programme through which the UNDP seeks to examine the relationship between the economic/monetary returns of investments in education and technical vocational education and training (TVET) at individual, household and national levels. The overall objectives of the study are (1) to estimate the rate of return at t...