Scaling Up Social Enterprise: Predicament or Prospect in a Comparative Perspective

This article focuses on the intricate nature of scaling practices in social enterprise organizations (SEOs). The research is based on case study methodology in two different institutional environments, the Netherlands and Cambodia. Comparing and contrasting these cases, the article raises questions about ways in which the institutional environments...

Finance in Public Higher Education in Cambodia

Cambodian higher education finance is archaic and inappropriate for creating a robust and responsive higher education system. The customary practice of line item budgeting is also obsolete. Many countries in the region have long moved towards block grants and some have recently incorporated performance-based funding. In Cambodia, bureaucratic finan...

Governance in Public Higher Education in Cambodia

Compared with those of its more advanced ASEAN peers, Cambodia’s higher education system is still in its infancy. Its higher education governance, financing and financial management are neither sophisticated nor robust enough to deliver high-quality, relevant higher education to the society and economy. Higher education institutions have mushroomed...

The Political Economy of Primary Education Reform in Cambodia

Over the past sixty years, Cambodia has made great strides in expanding access to primary education. Much less progress has been made with respect to quality. That may be changing, however, with a new education minister promoting ambitious reforms with quality at their centre. The chapter explains the quality agenda as a product of new demands on t...

ROTH Vathana   (2019)

Job Prospects for Youth, Low-skilled and Women Workers in the Greater Mekong Subregion

This publication is a collection of 11 original research papers on six themes: earnings inequality; labour market regulation and wage setting; safety nets for low-income, low-skilled workers; private sector engagement in skills development; implications for labour market policies and institutions of the ASEAN Economic Community; and strategies to s...